Welcome to the team!


Name: Louisa Thompson

Job Role: Digital Transformation Manager

PCN: East





What are you looking forward to the most in your role?

Being a part of the East PCN again, working with a forward thinking and innovative team. Embarking on new and exciting challenges in relation to digital transformation, to drive improvement and sustainability within general practice services.

Before joining
the organisation, what other experience have you had?

I have worked in the NHS for 19 years in a variety of roles including service improvement, project management, public health, contract management and commissioning. I was previously employed by Warrington CCG as a Service Development Manager for East PCN and more recently I have been working for a Community Health Trust as a Transformation Project Manager.


How does your role assist Warrington GP Practices?

My focus will be on working with the East Warrington PCN to identify opportunities to make tangible and positive digital transformation, providing the inspiration, resources and tools to implement changes in a collaborative way. This in turn will support increased access to care for patients, by supporting the adoption of new technology and other initiatives to improve the care offer, and will enable PCN staff to work more effectively to support the sustainability of general practice services.


Hobbies and Interests

I enjoy running and belong to a local running club, competing on road, cross country and trail. I also enjoy mountain biking with my young daughter, which usually involves a lunch or cake stop halfway. I enjoy spending time with my family and like to relax with a good book when I get the chance.


What is the best piece of advice you have ever been given?

Don’t spend time worry about things which are out of your control. Worrying won’t make a difference to the outcome. Instead, focus on the things which you can control and make things happen.


What fact about you might surprise people the most?

I am a serial house mover! My husband and I like to renovate houses, living in them whilst we do them up, then selling them as soon as we finish and moving on to the next project. We are currently on house number seven.