Quay Healthcare Warrington

Welcome to the new QUAY website. We are proud to be able to share our vision, people and services with you.

Quay Healthcare started in 2014, as part of the Prime Minister’s challenge fund. We are a primary care support organisation, with all the GP practices in Warrington as shareholders. We have seen significant shifts in Primary Care demands and structures, since 2019 and now the amalgamation of Clinical Commissioning Groups into Integrated Care Systems (ICS). As these grow, collaboration between primary care providers and their wider system partners is growing too.

Many primary care providers are taking advantage of the independent layers of scale to deliver for patients, reducing duplication, improving equity of access and delivering the right care at the right time in the right place. There is not a one-size-fits-all model and there is still a long way to go for many primary care providers. But we are beginning to see robust primary care systems that benefit from the different expertise and opportunities available at neighbourhood, place and system.

Quay Healthcare considers primary care to be the ‘front-door’ for patients. The shareholders of the CIC have agreed to develop a range of innovative services which seek to support primary care, which go far beyond usual traditional GP service.

Currently we work with 4 PCNs in Warrington as well as provision of directly contracted NHS services.