Welcome to the team!


Name: Debra Hale

Job Role: Advanced Clinical Practitioner


What are you looking forward to the most in your new role?

“I am looking forward to working on the new pathway and the new SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) within the ADHD Team.”


Before joining the organisation, what other work experience have you had?

“Previously as a qualified DPP (Designated Prescribing Practitioner) I trained, signed off and supervised newly qualified NMP’s (Non-Medical Prescribers). I have experience working within Primary Care as a ACP with the prison mental health in reach team as the lead for the ADHD pathway.”


Hobbies and Interests

“I enjoy volunteering for the Hope Community Project, as a member of the FIEC Church commission, working with young offenders and young people with neurodivergent needs.”


What is the best piece of advice you have ever been given?

“What would the older you say the the 15 year old you – what have you learnt about yourself?”